gurucine's Articles (163)

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As the days heat up and we head into the Summer, many of us suddenly seem to remember that the appendages at the end of our legs need some love and care too. Feet are so often forgotten and neglected until we are getting ready to put them on show, whether that’s wearing snazzy new sandals, picnics in the park or walking on a beach.

However, it’s not just the aesthetics of our feet we need to pay some attention to at this time, but also to their health. The warm summer weather often makes Athlete’

Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a major cause of illness and death in developed countries. While advanced technology has boosted survival and rehabilitation odds, not much is known about the impact of anxiety or depression on the eventual outcomes. The prevalence of heart failure (HF) is predicted to increase by half in 2030. This will mean that eight million adults with HF, with almost $31 billion being required to treat them.

A new study looks at this area in order to provide evidence for key r

Julie Rovner is chief Washington correspondent and host of KFF Health News' weekly health policy news podcast, "What the Health?" A noted expert on health policy issues, Julie is the author of the critically praised reference book "Health Care Politics and Policy A to Z," now in its third edition.

The presidential election is less than five months away, and while abortion is the only health policy issue expected to play a leading role, others are likely to be raised in the presidential and down-b

For Yang, the aesthetics and themes of Taiwanese filmmaker Ang Lee’s 1994 movie “Eat Drink Man Woman” represent his idea of what “new Chinese style” should be. The film about the lives of a master chef and his three daughters navigating the tensions between modernity and traditions, personal freedom and family. Yang said, “subtly reflects the lifestyle of Chinese people, especially the direct connection between a dinner table and interpersonal relationships.” The film, he added, “provides us wit

The popularity of the skirt has been wrapped into a broader trend being dubbed “xinzhongshi,” or “new Chinese style” — which merges all manner of contemporary design with traditional Chinese aesthetics, applied to everything from clothing to furniture.

While the idea isn’t new, and was once considered old-fashioned, the wide-ranging term is being used as a marketing tool on China’s lucrative e-commerce platforms, with retailers quick to turn Gen Z’s patriotic, and at times, nationalistic sentimen

House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik was once a Trump skeptic during the 2016 campaign and in the early days of his presidency. She has since emerged as one of the former president’s most ardent supporters in Congress.

Stefanik delivered a strong defense of Trump during his 2019 impeachment trial, which positioned her as a “Republican star,” as the then-president said at the time. She then objected to Biden’s 2020 win in the House and promoted election lies.

Trump has at various times asked d