Best Testosterone Supplements For Women: Exploring Hormonal Balance

Best Testosterone Supplements For Women: The role of testosterone in women's hormonal balance may not be commonly discussed, yet it plays a crucial part. While traditionally associated with masculinity, testosterone also affects women's health, influencing everything from energy levels to libido.

Women experiencing disruptions in testosterone levels—whether too high or too low—may consider supplements to help restore balance. However, it's essential to note that many testosterone boosters on the market are primarily formulated for men, lacking scientific validation for their efficacy in women.

Fortunately, there are promising options for women seeking to optimize their hormonal health. Here's a breakdown of some recommended supplements:

Optimizing Women's Hormonal Health: Recommended Supplements

This article delves into the crucial role of testosterone in women's hormonal balance and highlights four highly recommended supplements tailored to optimize hormonal health:

Nootropics Depot Shoden Ashwagandha: Known for stress relief and enhancing sexual health.

ArginMax: Specifically formulated to support female sexual health.

HUM Nutrition Fan Club: Supports women through menopause and hormonal changes.

Life Extension DHEA: A precursor to testosterone production.

The article underscores that many testosterone boosters on the market are primarily designed for men and lack sufficient scientific validation for efficacy in women. Innerbody Research upholds rigorous testing standards and provides dependable information.

These supplements offer varying effects, with ashwagandha identified as the safest option due to its excellent safety profile. Potential side effects across supplements may include hormonal fluctuations, acne, and gastrointestinal discomfort.

Effectiveness was assessed based on each supplement's ability to fulfill its intended purpose. ArginMax, extensively studied for treating female sexual dysfunction, has shown promising results, although overall evidence supporting its effectiveness remains less conclusive.

Additionally, the article provides an initial cost analysis for each supplement, taking into account factors such as purchase price, shipping costs, return policies, and potential savings through regular or bulk orders.

Innerbody Research prides itself on its rigorous testing procedures, subjecting each product and service to comprehensive scrutiny. In our detailed exploration of the finest testosterone boosters for women, we didn't just rely on reviews; we procured and tested each top recommendation firsthand, gaining invaluable insights into the customer experience.

An In-Depth Exploration of Scientific Insights

Our team meticulously analyzed over 100 scientific journal articles to gain profound insights into female testosterone production, hormonal imbalances, and effective treatment strategies for low testosterone in women. Additionally, our content undergoes rigorous scrutiny by our Medical Review Board to ensure accuracy and dependability.

A Legacy of Trustworthiness

For more than two decades, Innerbody Research has empowered millions of readers to make informed decisions regarding their health and wellness. Our unwavering commitment to providing reliable information has solidified our position as a respected authority in the health industry.


Evaluating Best Testosterone Supplements For Women A Unique Perspective

Best Testosterone Supplements For Women: Unlike many other review platforms that indiscriminately endorse testosterone boosters designed for men to women, we adopt a distinctive approach. Our focus centers on understanding the specific needs and concerns of women seeking testosterone boosters, shaping our evaluation criteria around safety, efficacy, and affordability.

Dedicated to Inclusivity

In this guide, our reference to "women '' acknowledges and respects individuals assigned female at birth, irrespective of their current gender identity. Trust Innerbody Research to provide comprehensive insights into the best testosterone supplements tailored for women.

Comparative Safety Profile

Our assessment reveals that the testosterone boosters recommended for women generally boast a favorable safety profile, with minimal reported adverse effects. Among these options, ashwagandha stands out for its exceptional safety record, supported by numerous studies demonstrating no harmful outcomes.


Other Supplements: Varied Effects

While several supplements are deemed safe for most women, some come with potential side effects. For instance, DHEA can induce hormonal changes like increased hair growth and acne, and it's associated with heightened cancer risks and reduced HDL cholesterol levels.

ArginMax shows minimal side effects in research, yet ingredients such as L-arginine may lower blood pressure, posing risks for individuals with low blood pressure or those on medication. Additionally, other components in ArginMax could lead to headaches, sleep disturbances, or gastrointestinal discomfort.

HUM's Fan Club incorporates Siberian rhubarb extract, which appears to have no significant side effects based on research. However, anecdotal data from public adverse event reports suggest some users experienced mild gastrointestinal symptoms.

Ashwagandha: Optimal Safety

Among the evaluated supplements, ashwagandha emerges as the safest choice, backed by robust safety data. Studies examining its efficacy in treating female sexual dysfunction have consistently reported no adverse effects among participants.

Effectiveness: The Winning Factor

As outlined below, each supplement in our guide addresses women's needs for increased testosterone differently. Some focus on enhancing libido and sexual satisfaction, while others target alleviating menopausal symptoms.

In our evaluation, we assessed each supplement's efficacy in meeting its intended purpose. ArginMax, extensively studied for treating female sexual dysfunction, demonstrated impressive results in clinical trials. However, while ashwagandha and HUM's Fan Club also show promise in addressing similar issues, the evidence supporting ArginMax's effectiveness is less conclusive overall.


Best Testosterone Supplements For Women Initial Cost Evaluation

Given the diverse array of dietary supplements highlighted in this guide, a direct cost comparison posed some challenges. Nevertheless, we conducted a fundamental cost analysis by scrutinizing the initial purchase price, shipping charges, return policies, and potential savings through regular or bulk orders.

Here's a concise overview of our findings:

  • ArginMax:

Price: $36.99

Cost per Serving: $1.23

Shipping Fee: Free

Guarantee: 60-day money-back

Savings: None available

  • Life Extension DHEA:

Price: $17.25

Cost per Serving: $0.29

Shipping Fee: $5.50 or free over $50

Guarantee: 365-day refund policy

Savings: Subscription option

  • HUM Fan Club:

Price: $40

Cost per Serving: $1.33

Shipping Fee: $5.95 or free over $50

Guarantee: 30-day refund policy (unopened only)


Savings: Package subscription available

ArginMax distinguishes itself with complimentary shipping and no minimum purchase requirement, reinforcing its position as a top choice in our recommendations.

Motivations for Women to Boost Testosterone

Women may seek to boost testosterone for various reasons, including enhancing gym performance, libido, and sexual function. Understanding testosterone's role in female health is crucial, despite its common association with male characteristics.

Testosterone's Impact on Menopause: Testosterone significantly influences menopausal experiences by mitigating symptoms as levels naturally decline with age. Supplementation or therapies to increase testosterone have shown promise in alleviating menopausal discomfort.


Women's Motivations for Boosting Testosterone

Best Testosterone Supplements For Women: Women may consider augmenting their testosterone levels for various health reasons, focusing on specific health markers to address underlying concerns. These motivations encompass a range of interests, from optimizing athletic performance to enhancing libido and sexual functioning. However, the efficacy of testosterone supplements varies depending on the intended purpose.


Factors Driving Women's Interest in Testosterone

Research and marketing efforts highlight menopause and perimenopause as the primary drivers for women seeking to boost testosterone levels. These life stages often bring about symptoms that may benefit from testosterone supplementation, rendering it an attractive solution for women navigating this transitional period.

While we will also explore other scenarios below, our primary focus centers on testosterone's role during and after menopause, examining its relevance to symptom management. In instances where testosterone may not be beneficial, we will discuss alternative approaches women can explore to alleviate symptoms effectively.


The Role of Testosterone in Women's Health

To effectively utilize testosterone supplements, it's crucial to grasp the role of testosterone in women's overall health. Despite its association with masculinity, testosterone plays a significant role in female well-being. While men primarily produce testosterone in their testes (95%) and a small amount in adrenal glands (5%), women's testosterone production differs. About 25% is synthesized in adrenal glands, 25% in ovaries, and the remaining 50% from precursors in peripheral tissues like androstenedione.

Women generally produce less testosterone than men, with levels averaging between 0.6-2.5 nmol/L compared to men's 10-35 nmol/L. Despite lower levels, testosterone is crucial for hormonal balance. Deficiency can contribute to sexual issues such as reduced libido and inadequate vaginal lubrication during sexual activity.

Beyond sexual function, testosterone plays a vital role in maintaining bone density, muscle mass, cognitive function, red blood cell production, and energy levels. Emerging evidence also suggests its involvement in mental health.


Testosterone's Role During Menopause: Contrary to common belief, research indicates that testosterone levels do not sharply decline during menopause but rather decrease gradually with age. This decline can accelerate due to medical interventions or serious illnesses. On average, daily testosterone levels drop by about 60% from age 20 to age 50. Women who undergo oophorectomy experience a significant reduction in testosterone levels along with other hormones.

During menopause, many women may experience suboptimal testosterone levels, making supplementation or replacement therapy an effective approach to alleviate menopausal symptoms.

Recognizing menopause as a complex phase is crucial because simply boosting one hormone may not address all symptoms comprehensively. It's essential to assess individual symptoms and determine whether increasing testosterone levels could help alleviate them. If not, alternative treatment options should be explored.


The Role of Testosterone in Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD): Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) is a prevalent concern during menopause, affecting approximately half of women according to various research studies. Symptoms of FSD include:

Reduced sexual desire or interest

Decreased vaginal moisture

Pain or discomfort during intercourse

Decreased arousal

Difficulty achieving orgasm

Testosterone replacement therapy has shown promise in treating women with FSD. A systematic review of 72 studies focusing on testosterone's role in treating low sexual desire in women demonstrated significant improvements in sexual satisfaction, desire, arousal, orgasmic response, and reduction in personal distress, leading to overall enhancement in sexual function.


How Testosterone Boosters Work for Women?

Best Testosterone Supplements For Women:For women aiming to address low testosterone levels or manage associated symptoms, opting for a product that enhances testosterone production can be beneficial. Unlike traditional testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) involving risks, expenses, and frequent injections, supplements that stimulate natural production may present a more appealing alternative.

In men, testosterone-boosting supplements typically work by either directly increasing testosterone production or stimulating luteinizing hormone production in the pituitary gland, which subsequently boosts testosterone production in the testes. These supplements may also influence sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), thereby increasing free testosterone available for functions such as muscle growth.

In women, increasing testosterone levels involves different pathways, with SHBG regulation remaining significant. Since approximately half of a woman's testosterone is produced in peripheral tissues, supplements targeting these areas with specific ingredients may prove more effective than stimulating production in the ovaries or adrenal glands.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a potent testosterone precursor, has shown promise in elevating women's testosterone levels in research. Studies have indicated that 50mg of DHEA per day significantly increased testosterone levels and improved aspects such as anxiety, depression, and sexual function in premenopausal women. However, results on cognitive and sexual functions have been inconsistent across different studies, suggesting variability in DHEA's overall effects.

In conclusion, while DHEA appears effective in boosting testosterone production in women, its comprehensive impact may vary, warranting further research into its long-term benefits and efficacy.


Comprehending Safety Factors and Key Elements in Female Testosterone Enhancers.

The efficacy and safety of women's testosterone boosters rely on the chosen approach, symptoms addressed, and hormonal levels, especially during menopause.

Several components require scrutiny due to potential safety concerns:

L-citrulline, an amino acid,: L-citrulline, an amino acid, is noted for its potential to lower blood pressure, which may enhance circulation but warrants caution for individuals with existing low blood pressure or those on blood pressure medications.

Ginseng: Ginseng, renowned for its testosterone-enhancing properties and benefits in improving sexual satisfaction, has shown mild, temporary side effects in a study involving 69 participants, including mild stomach discomfort, drowsiness, nausea, dry mouth, and nasal congestion.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) can trigger various hormonal side effects, such as acne, excessive hair growth, and interactions with medications like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

ERr-731: ERr-731, a medicinal product with limited data on adverse reactions, has been linked to isolated cases of hypersensitivity and gastrointestinal issues.

Considering the potential impact on health, it is crucial to seek advice from a healthcare professional before initiating any testosterone-boosting regimen or addressing symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances. This consultation ensures that the chosen approach is both safe and customized to individual health requirements.


Achieving Hormonal Balance in Women: Exploring Alternative Approaches

Best Testosterone Supplements For Women: For women seeking to attain overall hormonal balance, boosting testosterone levels may not be the most effective solution, as a single androgenic hormone cannot address the complexities of hormonal imbalances.


Instead, it is often more productive to identify specific symptoms, such as hot flashes or decreased libido, and target treatments that address those symptoms or their underlying causes. General androgen balance is a dynamic and elusive goal, making it challenging to achieve consistently.


In this context, we will explore alternative approaches that incorporate a novel rhubarb extract, an esteemed Ayurvedic botanical, and a complex blend of vitamins, minerals, botanicals, and amino acids.


Nootropics Depot Shoden Ashwagandha Capsules: A Potent and Accessible Solution for Women

Nootropics Depot's Shoden Ashwagandha capsules offer a highly concentrated form of ashwagandha, making it an optimal choice for women starting their journey to boost testosterone levels safely. This supplement also provides a cost-effective alternative compared to many others on the market.

Research highlights ashwagandha's significant impact on testosterone levels, aiding women in stress management and addressing female sexual dysfunction effectively. While the Shoden brand may not have the same recognition as KSM-66, its superior potency allows for smaller, more convenient capsules that fit seamlessly into women's daily routines. Moreover, purchasing directly from Nootropics Depot ensures a more competitive price point compared to Amazon, unless you're a Prime member.


  • Supported by successful studies focusing on female sexual dysfunction
  • Extensively researched for stress reduction benefits
  • Demonstrates capability to raise testosterone levels in male studies
  • Features small, easy-to-swallow capsules
  • Contains a high concentration of withanolides, ashwagandha's primary active compound
  • Minimal reported side effects in clinical trials


  • Requires further research to evaluate effectiveness in managing menopausal symptoms
  • Higher priced compared to other ashwagandha formulations
  • Lacks a money-back guarantee or subscription option

The standout characteristic of Shoden Ashwagandha lies in its notably high concentration of withanolides, offering a more potent dosage than competitors such as KSM-66. Each 120mg capsule delivers 42mg of withanolides, surpassing KSM-66's 30mg concentration.

Research underscores Shoden Ashwagandha's effectiveness in reducing stress and anxiety, enhancing sexual function, and promoting overall well-being. Notably, a study even indicated increased testosterone levels and improved psychological and sexual well-being in male participants.

Pricing and Shipping Details: While priced higher than KSM-66, Shoden Ashwagandha remains competitively affordable. A 90-count bottle is priced at $39.99, translating to $0.44 per dose. However, shipping costs are slightly elevated with a standard fee of $10.

Returns Policy: Nootropic Depot offers a 30-day return window for unopened products, which, while standard, may not meet expectations of customers seeking more flexibility in evaluation periods.

In conclusion, Nootropic Depot's Shoden Ashwagandha stands out as a compelling option for women prioritizing effective stress relief and potential enhancements in sexual well-being. Its robust scientific backing and concentrated formulation make it an ideal choice for holistic health management.


ArginMax: An Effective Solution for Female Sexual Dysfunction

For women seeking relief from female sexual dysfunction, ArginMax emerges as a promising choice. Despite modest impacts on serum testosterone levels, multiple studies highlight its efficacy in enhancing self-reported sexual parameters.


  • Supported by numerous successful clinical trials
  • Ingredients backed by robust scientific research
  • Tailored formulations available for both genders
  • Affordable pricing per serving
  • Free shipping on all orders
  • Accessible at select retail outlets


  • Not recommended for individuals taking blood thinners
  • Proprietary blend limits transparency on ingredient quantities
  • Absence of subscription service option
  • Requires consumption of six capsules per serving

ArginMax integrates a formula featuring essential vitamins and minerals commonly found in menopause supplements, alongside a proprietary blend akin to those in male enhancement products. Notably, its proprietary blend includes L-arginine, pivotal for its positive impact on sexual function.

The ingredient roster comprises:

Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, and biotin

Minerals such as calcium, iron, and zinc

Proprietary blend (2,755mg) encompassing L-arginine, ginseng root extract, ginkgo biloba extract, and damiana leaf

While exact ingredient proportions remain undisclosed, insights suggest L-arginine occupies a middle ground, akin to doses employed in managing erectile dysfunction in men.

Price Points and Shipping: ArginMax is available at multiple retailers, including CVS and iHerb, featuring uniform pricing across platforms. Customers can opt for a discounted three-month supply and benefit from complimentary shipping. Additionally, a 60-day money-back guarantee is provided, underscoring the manufacturer's confidence in product efficacy.

Return Policy:  Best Testosterone Supplements For Women Daily Wellness extends a 60-day money-back guarantee, permitting dissatisfied customers to seek refunds. Though competitive, this policy falls short of rival Life Extension's generous 1-year guarantee.


HUM Nutrition Fan Club: Superior Menopause Support Supplement

For women seeking effective relief from menopause symptoms, especially hot flashes and mood swings, HUM Nutrition's Fan Club emerges as a top-tier choice. This supplement has demonstrated remarkable efficacy in clinical studies, with minimal reported side effects, and includes a probiotic known for its stress-reducing benefits.


  • ERr-731 shows significant efficacy with minimal side effects
  • Particularly effective for managing hot flashes
  • Contains a probiotic linked to stress reduction
  • Third-party tested for purity and quality assurance
  • Ingredients are certified non-GMO


  • No evidence of impact on testosterone levels
  • Higher cost per dose compared to competitors
  • Occasionally experiences stock shortages

Fan Club Supplement Ingredients Overview

The Fan Club supplement features a specialized formulation composed of three essential ingredients:

Grape Seed Extract (300mg): Renowned for its capacity to reduce blood pressure and alleviate perceived stress levels, grape seed extract is a prominent component of the Fan Club supplement.

Lactobacillus plantarum DR7 (50mg): This probiotic strain is celebrated for its beneficial impact on the gut-brain axis, contributing significantly to enhanced stress management and mood improvement.

Siberian Rhubarb Extract (ERr-731) (4mg): Extensively researched for its effectiveness in diminishing hot flashes and enhancing overall menopausal quality of life, Siberian rhubarb extract is a crucial component of the Fan Club supplement.

Crafted to promote wellness through these carefully selected ingredients, the Fan Club supplement offers targeted support for stress reduction, mood enhancement, and menopausal symptom alleviation.

Pricing and Shipping Details: Best Testosterone Supplements For Women Fan Club is priced at $40 per bottle, and currently, there are no subscription options for individual purchases. However, customers can take advantage of a substantial 30% discount and receive free shipping by bundling at least three products together. This bundling option offers flexibility, allowing customers to pause shipments at any time without facing penalties.

Returns Policy: HUM Nutrition provides a 30-day return window for unopened products in case of a change of mind. While this policy is slightly less generous compared to competitors like Daily Wellness (ArginMax), which offers a 60-day guarantee, and Life Extension (DHEA), with a robust 365-day guarantee, HUM Nutrition's policy still provides a reasonable recourse for customers who may not be fully satisfied with their purchase.


Life Extension DHEA: An Affordable Path to Increased Testosterone

Best Testosterone Supplements For Women: Are you seeking a cost-effective method to boost your testosterone levels? Consider Life Extension DHEA, a highly regarded supplement proven to elevate testosterone in women across multiple studies.


Key Advantages:

  • Enhances testosterone levels in women
  • Economical per dose
  • Vegetarian-friendly 100mg formulation
  • 365-day satisfaction guarantee
  • Available in various strengths
  • Subscribers enjoy 10% discount and free shipping

Potential Limitations:

  • May trigger acne and unwanted hair growth
  • Could decrease "good" cholesterol levels
  • Banned by anti-doping organizations
  • Interactions possible with sedatives, antipsychotics, and SSRIs

Important Considerations: Life Extension DHEA effectively stimulates testosterone production in peripheral tissues, where approximately half of a woman's testosterone is generated. However, as with any supplement, results can vary. If uncertain whether increasing testosterone alone addresses your concerns, exploring alternative options is advisable.

Possible Side Effects:

  • Increased skin oiliness or acne
  • Undesirable facial hair growth
  • Potential manic symptoms with SSRIs
  • Interactions with antipsychotics and specific seizure medications

For women seeking a reliable and economical means to boost testosterone, Life Extension DHEA presents a viable choice. While potential drawbacks exist, it remains a preferred option for those who have identified a need for increased testosterone levels.

Life Extension DHEA: Pricing, Shipping, and Returns 

Pricing Options:

Life Extension offers flexible purchasing options across various concentrations of DHEA:

  • 15mg, 100 capsules: $9.75
  • 25mg, 100 capsules: $11.25
  • 25mg, 100 dissolving tablets: $10.50
  • 50mg, 60 capsules: $9.45
  • 100mg, 60 capsules: $17.25

Vegetarian-friendly choices are available in both 100mg capsules and 25mg dissolving tablets.

Shipping Details:

  • Flat rate of $5.50 applies to orders under $50.
  • Subscribers enjoy free shipping, making it a more attractive option compared to Nootropics Depot and HUM, which have a $50 free shipping threshold.

Returns and Refunds Policy: Life Extension stands behind their products with a comprehensive returns policy:

A 365-day money-back guarantee is offered on initial product purchases.

Bulk purchasing benefits include purchasing four bottles of DHEA 100mg at a one-time purchase rate equivalent to subscribers.

This bulk purchase is also covered by the 365-day guarantee, providing an extended trial period for peace of mind.

For those considering DHEA supplementation, Life Extension offers competitive pricing, convenient shipping options, and a robust guarantee, ensuring customer satisfaction.


Best Testosterone Supplements For Women FAQ

Can Supplements Increase Women's Testosterone Levels?

Yes, certain supplements have demonstrated the ability to moderately increase testosterone levels in women. Prominent examples include L-arginine, DHEA, and ashwagandha.

What's the Safest Approach to Boosting Testosterone in Women?

Among supplements studied for boosting testosterone in women, ashwagandha appears to offer the lowest risk of side effects. DHEA and L-arginine carry slightly higher risks.

Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Suitable for Women?

TRT is an option for women, but it may lead to unintended side effects. Generally, the testosterone requirements for most women are minimal, making TRT potentially excessive.

Do Testosterone Boosters Enhance Gym Performance?

Certain testosterone-boosting supplements, such as L-arginine, may enhance gym performance by improving blood flow and delivering more oxygen to muscles under stress. However, supplements specifically designed for gym performance are likely to yield greater benefits.

Can Testosterone Boosters Alleviate Menopause Symptoms?

While menopause itself doesn't directly lower testosterone levels in women, hormonal changes can influence symptom severity. Increasing testosterone levels may help alleviate certain menopausal symptoms, but other treatments may be more effective. Consult your doctor before attempting any interventions to manage menopause symptoms.

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